3rd NICE Capacity Building Webinar

On the 18th of September 2023, NICE will host its 3rd Capacity Building Webinar from 11am to 12pm to discuss tools that support local decision making for circular water urban cycle.

In synergy with UrbanByNature programme, speakers will offer an overview on how to effectively plan and support decision-making for water reuse and a circular urban water cycle, based on NBS that captures, retains and treats water.

This virtual 1 hour webinar aims to:

– Present the planning tool developed by UFZ, as part of the planning and commitment step 4 from UrbanByNature for an integrated management approach of NBS.
– Bring in the testimonies of the City of Ho Chi Minh, HCMUT, for applying this tool to support local decision-makers in understanding how these technologies work.
– Explore in an open debate with the audience attending the webinar to efficiently apply this step to further develop NICE solutions in cities.

– Dr. Jan Friesen and Dr. Maria Chiara Lippera, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig: Presentation of their most recent research on “Urban water infrastructure planning using the block approach and water management scenarios
– Dr. Dan Nguyen Phuoc, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT): Enhancement of urban greening area coupled with mitigation of water pollution using natural-based solutions for sustainable urban water management in HCMC

– Dr. Carme Machí Castañer, ICLEI Europe

This work is being developed within the framework of the EU H2020 NICE sister’s project, ModULar Tools for Integrating enhanced natural treatment SOlutions in URban water CyclE (MULTISOURCE), and highlights the joint recent efforts to foster commitment and common goals to mitigate urban wastewater pollution in urban areas.

You can register at this link.

Published On: August 14, 2023Categories: News

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