Technical Pilots

Pilot 1: Raw Wastewater
- Environmental & Socio-economic impacts: Lyon metropole focuses on three types of actions to increase implementation of NBSWT. A primary local objective is to treat and reuse domestic wastewater and combined sewer overflow locally. Considering the goal of having 5% of the population of Grand Lyon (1.3 million inhabitants) served by NBSWT, choosing a compact technology (such as the ENTS pilot in France, which requires 1 m2 footprint per inhabitant) at a capital cost of 200 €/m2, there is a potential estimated market in of €13 million in the local region alone. The expected market at a national level at medium term is considerably larger.
- Local stakeholders: University of Lyon, SYNTEA.
- Partners involved and contact: GLYON, INRAE.

Pilot 2: Pre-treated domestic wastewater
- Environmental & Socio-economic impacts: Decentralized wastewater treatment system that provides a secondary function as green parking, enabling a portion of treated wastewater (30%) to be reused onsite for toilet flushing.
- Local stakeholders: City of Bozeman, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, Bridger Bowl Ski Resort.
- Partners involved and contact: RIETLAND.

Pilot 3: Combined Sewer Overflow
- Environmental & Socio-economic impacts: There are more than 5,000 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) networks in the local province that need a technical upgrade. The direct effects of a wide application of NBSWT on the water quality of the receiving water bodies can be estimated, and reduction in the local indexes of flooding risk can be modelled with good approximation. The design of the MULTISOURCE ENTS pilot in Italy reduces the area required for treatment and therefore increases the potential of replication for such configuration even in difficult urban scenarios with low availability of usable land.
- Local stakeholders: Municipality of Merone, ComoAcqua Spa (water utility), Parco Regionale della Valle del Lambro (Park in which the project is located)
- Partners involved and contact: CMM, IRIDRA

Pilot 4: Greywater
- Environmental & Socio-economic impacts: Girona is currently involved in a transformation process towards a more resilient, livable and sustainable city. The MULTISOURCE ENTS pilot in Spain will provide new ways for cities and communities to achieve improved resource recovery and reuse. Such “green wall” technologies can be implemented in different types of buildings, on empty vertical spaces, in touristic, private residences, and commercial/public/industrial facilities. Therefore, NBSWT have a great potential to diversify current business models of private companies and to facilitate the transition of public water companies towards more circular and decentralized water urban management systems.
- Local stakeholders: University of Girona, Neighbourhood associations, Associacio artistica La Volta* (cultural society), Consorci Costa Brava* and Consorci Besòs Tordera (municipal water organizations), Catalan Water Partnership.
- Partners involved and contact: GIRONA, ICRA.

Pilot 5: Road Runoff
- Environmental impacts: The use of nature-based solutions is gaining popularity in Norway, especially for run-off. Space is limited in densely built urban areas, rendering traditional sedimentation ponds out of the question. Hence, innovative and compact NBSWT for treatment of road runoff in densely built urban areas is important. Successful demonstration of the MULTISOURCE Norway pilot will thus be important to increase the use of innovative NBSWT and thus decrease the amount of untreated sewage released to surface water.
- Local stakeholders: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Public Road Administration, Norwegian Environment Agency, BASAL AS, Multiconsult.
- Partners involved and contact: OSLO, NIVA.

Pilot 6: Rainwater
- Environmental impacts: The green roofs at the MULTISOURCE pilot in Germany will have a positive impact on local biodiversity as well as enabling stormwater reduction and cooling for buildings (and with replication, citywide).
- Local stakeholders: University of Leipzig, City of Leipzig, Botanical Garden of Leipzig.
- Partners involved and contact: UFZ.

Pilot 7: High-strength wastewater
- City: City of Bozeman.
- Background: Water demand within the city is predicted to exceed supply by 2040 thus innovative solutions for reuse are necessary.
- Challenge Addressed: Cold-climate wastewater treatment in the mountains for a ski resort.
- Main innovation: Seasonal operation, recirculation for increased nutrient removal of high-strength wastewater.