Report from Water Projects Europe: MULTISOURCE Edition Now Available


Water Europe, together with MULTISOURCE project, successfully organised the clustering event ”Nature-based solutions for water security and ecological quality in cities” on the 2nd of June. The event aimed at facilitating the systematic city-wide planning of NBS and supporting decision-making to contribute to the achievement of a Water-Smart Society.

Five EU-funded NbS focused projects: MULTISOURCE, NICE, HYDROUSA, UNALAB, CONNECTING NATURE were present to exchange and discuss during WPE. The event was organised, as part of the Water Project Europe (WPE) that is a series of events of Water Europe made to learn from and build on the experience of innovating projects working on converging topics.

WPE aims at clustering water-related projects by thematic areas to allow them to interact, mutually build on the respective experience, support policy development and stimulate the market uptake of innovations.

To read the full report on the WPE MULTISOURCE Edition, please click here. To watch the full session, click here.


Published On: July 5, 2022Categories: News

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