Aarhus University is this month’s MULTISOURCE partner
- Can you tell us about your role in the MULTISOURCE project?
I am leading Work Package 1 that deals with all technical pilots and monitoring activities of MULTISOURCE project. Besides working on a common framework to ensure tailored monitoring plans but comparable assessment of seven different Enhanced Natural Treatment Solutions, my team at Aarhus University is directly involved in the analysis of organic micropollutants at all sites.
- Which challenges do we need to overcome for the successful integration of nature-based solutions in our city planning?
Technically not all nature-based solutions are at the same technology readiness level, or more commonly have been fully validated for all potential co-benefits or a holistic integration in new and existing infrastructure. On the other hand, solutions derived from nature, not necessarily presenting themselves as a complex technology, are not always considered as efficient as “advanced treatment processes”. We need to step up the education and training towards non-classical solutions and technologies. From a regulatory perspective, different nature-based solutions have different regulations depending on how historically the solutions were developed, not necessarily taking into account how they could potentially be implemented today under circular contexts.
- What do you think are the main benefits the project brings forward and in which areas are you expecting MULTISOURCE to have an impact?
Water quality, besides availability, is gaining a new attention in light of climate change. We expect to demonstrate the efficiency of the different nature-based solution technologies that we are testing, as well as be able to characterize their co-benefits and limitations. No solution fits all, but several solutions can be conjugated to address concurrent issues with urban water management. Conjugation of solutions can also mean, combining nature-based solutions with traditional or advanced solutions. One of the issues that we have a special focus on MULTISOURCE is to characterize how the pilots can be implemented in light of the current water reuse regulation, as well as future reuse scenarios. These, including not only typical water quality parameters but also emerging contaminants such as organic pollutants and microplastics.