Raw Wastewater
Lyon, FRance
Key facts

Environmental &
Socio-economic impacts
Lyon metropole focuses on three types of actions to increase implementation of NBSWT. A primary local objective is to treat and reuse domestic wastewater locally. Considering the goal of having 5% of the population of Grand Lyon (1.3 million inhabitants) served by NBSWT, choosing a compact technology (such as the ENTS pilot in France, which requires 1 m2 footprint per inhabitant) at a capital cost of 200 €/m2, there is a potential estimated market in of €13 million in the local region alone. The expected market at a national level at medium term is considerably larger.
Main Activities
The Rhizosph’air pilot has been fully monitored over more than two years to define aeration strategies to meet specific outflow pollutant concentrations, maximum loads the system can face and precise design rules for future development.
The system deliver a high quality water level for global parameters and can ensure over 80 % TN removal when aeration is controlled according to inflow. Regarding reuse objectives, according to the disinfection objective, possible additional disinfection step might be necessary. The project allowed to define design rules and validated the small foot print (0.8 to 1.2 m²/pe) according to the amount of storm water that might arrive in the sewer system.
Impact generated
Since the beginning of the project 11 rhizosph’air systems have been implemented in France for a total treatment capacity of around 9,000 pe.