Announcing the release of the 2nd MULTISOURCE Policy Brief
The MULTISOURCE project has released its second policy brief, highlighting the latest outcomes aimed at fostering inclusive governance for the deployment of nature-based solutions (NBS). Inclusive governance is defined as a water system governance that balances the interests of all stakeholders in its design, management, and maintenance, striving towards a resilient and reliable hybrid grey and green water system to ultimately achieve a Water-Smart Society.
In light of the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD), which encourages the use of NBS in urban wastewater management across Europe, the MULTISOURCE project provides policymakers with essential insights, tools, and methods. These resources are crucial for promoting the deployment of enhanced natural treatment solutions (ENTS) to meet new compliance objectives.
The tools and research conclusions from MULTISOURCE are also valuable for the activities of the Zero-Pollution Stakeholder Platform and EU expert groups. These groups, particularly those focusing on the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and flood management, will benefit from the guidance and best practices provided to Member States.
Furthermore, this policy brief will inform the European Environmental Agency for its upcoming report on just transition and water, expected in June 2024. The brief aims to offer practical guidance and promote sustainable water management practices throughout Europe.
For more details and to access the full policy brief, click here.