INRAE is this month’s MULTISOURCE partner
Can you tell us about your role in the MULTISOURCE project?
I am coordinator of the MULTISOURCE project. My primary role is to act as the interface between the consortium and the European Commission, and to promote and supervise the overall technical and scientific activities of the project. My objectives as project coordinator are three-fold:
-At the strategic level, to ensure the project reaches its objectives, and to address any unexpected challenges (these scientific, technological, environmental, or social)
-At the operational level, to put in place the procedures and tools required to ensure that the project produces on-time and high-quality results;
-At the administrative level, to organise project meetings, manage finances, prepare project reports, and ensure efficient collaboration and communication amongst partners.
Which challenges do we need to overcome for the successful integration of nature-based solutions in our city planning?
One big challenge is that existing legislation limits the adoption of NBS for water treatment, storage, and reuse in urban environments. For example, there are currently no EU regulations for water reuse in urban areas, despite the fact that there are technologies already available and operating in real-world environments. The technology is effectively developing faster than the regulations, and this is a challenge that is yet to be overcome.
There also exist, from a planning perspective, multiple uncertainties and a lack of knowledge regarding the creation, implementation and management of NBS for water treatment, which will be overcome by the planning tools we will develop within MULTISOURCE. These tools will enable a systematic comparison between urban water management scenarios with and without NBSand will support cities in selecting the most economic and sustainable options for their local situation.
What do you think are the main benefits the project brings forward and in which areas are you expecting MULTISOURCE to have an impact?
The main benefits MULTISOURCE will deliver are a set of modular planning tools which will have been developed, tested, and refined with technological experts and water stakeholders. These tools will enable the increased use of innovative NBS, integrated into the overall water cycle and urban landscape. The increased uptake of NBS in urban areas will lead to increased water availability and reduced pressure on existing freshwater resources through the treatment, remediation, reclamation, and reuse of polluted water.
Finally, MULTISOURCE will increase sharing and cross-fertilization of expertise and know-how among European and international partners on new innovative natural water treatment concepts and solutions for enhanced opportunities for up-taking, upscaling, and business opportunities in markets within the EU as well as globally.