MULTISOURCE Gender Workshops

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MULTISOURCE project has organised two gender workshops over its first year. During the first gender equality workshop that was held in October 2021, participants had the chance to focus on the assumptions and perceptions about the roles of men and women in society, the consequences they might have on their lives, as well as their impact on the environment. The relevance of a participatory approach was also discussed in the case of MULTISOURCEā€™s pilot cases, as a first step in ensuring gender mainstreaming in all stages of the project.Ā  Throughout the second workshop that took place in March 2022, participants learnt how to include a gender-sensitive methodology in the development and implementation of the project in order to ensure it will have an equal impact on all diverse groups and that a diversity of visions is included in the implementation of the projectā€™s activities.

For more information, please contact Ana Kalin, MULTISOURCE Gender Expert.

Published On: July 6, 2022Categories: Uncategorized

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