MULTISOURCE Project Kicked-off
Multisource Project Kicked-off
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The three-day kick-off meeting of the new MULTISOURCE project was concluded on the 23rd of June. A big thank you to the INRAE team for hosting this well-organised meeting and to all our partners for attending and interacting over the last three days. So, what is MULTISOURCE project in a nutshell?
MULTISOURCE stands for ModULar Tools for Integrating enhanced natural treatment SOlutions in URban water CyclEs. It is a 48-month project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme, and it is focused on providing the knowledge, tools, methods, and business models that support citywide planning and long-term operations and maintenance of nature-based solutions for water treatment, storage, and reuse in urban areas worldwide.
MULTISOURCE includes 7 distinct Nature-based solutions pilots across Europe, and works with four municipal and metropolitan public authorities (Lyon, Girona, Milan, Oslo are project partners) to develop a set of tools, increased evidence, as well as business models.
The project is coordinated by INRAE and brings on board a dynamic consortium of 20 partners. Interested in our progress and developments over the next 4 years? Follow our social media updates.