New Research by MULTISOURCE Highlights Gender-Sensitive Approaches in Urban Gardens
The EU-funded MULTISOURCE project has released new research emphasizing the impact of applying a gender-sensitive approach to enhance social equity and food sovereignty in urban gardens. Nature-based solutions (NBS), whether for water treatment or food security, leverage nature to benefit ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. However, a literature review revealed that, in the Global North, considerations of human well-being, social equity, and gender equality are often overlooked in planning and implementing these solutions.
The research involved a thorough literature review and expert interviews, highlighting a gap in the intersection of gender, NBS, and water treatment in the Global North. Most existing studies focus on the Global South, with fewer analyses addressing these issues in northern contexts. However, some recent projects have begun to explore justice and equity in urban NBS, suggesting frameworks for inclusive and gender-just solutions.
To address this gap, the study examined urban gardening practices in three locations in Catalonia, Spain: Manresa, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and Girona. Conducted in collaboration with the University of Girona and ecofeminist organization Arran de Terra, the investigation aims to provide concrete evidence of the benefits of gender-sensitive approaches in urban gardening, contributing to better water use efficiency, environmental sustainability, and gender equality.
This research underscores the importance of mainstreaming gender considerations in all aspects of NBS planning and implementation. You can find the full document at this link.