MULTISOURCE General Overview
A4 format leaflet
Roll up banner for conferences and events
MULTISOURCE poster with Work Packages description
MULTISOURCE Official Video
#1 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#2 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#3 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#4 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#5 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#6 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
#7 MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar
Report on WPE June 2022 edition
MULTISOURCE 1st policy brief
MULTISOURCE 2nd policy brief
MULTISOURCE Research on mainstreaming gender and social equity into urban gardens
Research on the impact of applying a gendersensitive approach on social equity and food sovereignty in urban gardens
Integrating gender into nature-based solution for water management: from policy to practice
‘OCTOPUS’ principle reduces wastewater management costs through network optimization & clustering
Greenhouse gas production from an intermittently dosed cold-climate wastewater treatment wetland
Optimal design of water reuse networks in cities through decision support tool development and testing
Second-Generation Magnesium Phosphates as Water Extractant Agents in Forward Osmosis and Subsequent Use in Hydroponics
From shower to table: fate of organic micropollutants in hydroponic systems for greywater treatment and lettuce cultivation
Microbial community dynamics in a two-stage treatment wetland: Insights from treating seasonal ski resort wastewater
D1.1 Workshop on Co-benefits + digital tools
D2.1 Unknown and new organic pollutants in the MULTISOURCE ENTS pilots‘OCTOPUS’ principle reduces wastewater management costs through network optimization & clustering
D3.1 Best Practices for Financing and the Operation & Maintenance of Nature-Based Solutions for Water Treatment
D3.2 The Economics of Nature-based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment
D3.3 Descriptions of co-created business models for innovative NbSWT and their integration in urban water systems
D4.1 Research paper on the interplay between nature-based solutions and gender equality
D4.2 Establishment of an international knowledge base on NBSWT and ENTS
D4.3 The importance of mass balance into life cycle assessment (LCA) of Nature Based Solution (NBS) for wastewater treatment (WWT) key learning points from a case study
D5.2 Hydraulic disconnection module – Characterization of disconnected regions
D5.4 Prototype available for planning platform code
D6.1 Co-design Framework – Engaging with the stakeholders on NBS for Water Treatment
D6.2 Progress and lessons learnt from the stakeholder engagement in MULTISOURCE pilot locations (midterm)
D6.3 International Advisory Board engagement interim report
D7.2 Portfolio of Communication & Dissemination Material
D7.3 Policy brief °1
D7.4 Clustering activities interim report
D7.5 Policy Brief #2 Foster inclusive governance to deploy nature-based solutions for water treatment